a = 0 tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disablePhysicalConsumables(true) local rand = math.random(0, 100) a = a + 1 if rand <= 2 then tfm.exec.newGame("@7853631") elseif rand <= 7 then tfm.exec.newGame("@5298500") elseif rand <= 12 then tfm.exec.newGame("@7853632") elseif rand <= 17 then tfm.exec.newGame("@7853689") else tfm.exec.newGame("@7719367") end function eventLoop(time,timeRemaining) if a == 1 then time = time + 500 if time <= 1001 then imageID = tfm.exec.addImage("17948dabd86.png","&99",120,50) ui.addTextArea(999,"Создатель: Cepejjaa#0000 Помощник: Miroslavchik#0000",playerName, 5,380,440,20,0,0x212F36,0,true) ui.addTextArea(1000,"Portal TFM© 2020-2021",playerName, 635,380,440,20,0,0x212F36,0,true) end if time >= 5000 and time <= 5500 then a = a * 0 tfm.exec.removeImage(imageID) ui.removeTextArea(999,playerName) ui.removeTextArea(1000,playerName) end end end function eventPlayerDied(name) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(name) end -------------------------------------- local grounds = {} local cheese = {} local xml local tm = os.time() local colors = {"15a600", "a69800", "ff9b00", "423520", "fff9"} -- colored grounds -------------------------------------- local levels = {7697646, 7758437, 6070370, 7698072, 7758927, 7791618, 7699001, 7791556, 7791798, 7698245, 7758441, 7758484, 7759023, 7758420, 7796655, 7759281, 7758919, 7759615, 7761263, 7712060, 7759326, 7762166, 7760368, 7760342, 7791634, 7791038, 7791316, 7791005, 7791066, 7791278, 7824613 , 7824287, 7824273, 7824499, 7824499, 7824499, 7824499, 7824499, 7834096, 7824658} -------------------------------------- local adm do local _,name = pcall(nil) adm = string.match(name, "(.-)%.") end function table.exists(t, v) -- return true if value exists for _, v2 in next, t do if v2 == v then return true end end return false end --[[--------------------------------------]]-- local Bonus = {} function eventPlayerBonusGrabbed(playerName, bonusId) local playerData = tfm.get.room.playerList[playerName] -- Бонус из списка local bonus = Bonus[playerName].list[bonusId] if bonus.other.attachedColor == "15a600" then -- зеленый if playerData.hasCheese then tfm.exec.killPlayer(playerName) end elseif bonus.other.attachedColor == "a69800" then -- желтый if not playerData.hasCheese then tfm.exec.killPlayer(playerName) end elseif bonus.other.attachedColor == "ff9b00" then -- оранжевый if playerData.cheeses ~= #cheese then tfm.exec.killPlayer(playerName) end elseif bonus.other.attachedColor == "423520" then -- коричневый if playerData.cheeses >= 2 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(playerName) end elseif bonus.other.attachedColor == "fff9" then -- голубой tfm.exec.addShamanObject(26,0,0) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(27,0,0) end -- Создать новый бонус на том же месте bonusAdd(bonus.id, bonus.x, bonus.y, playerName, bonus.other) end -- Создать бонус function bonusAdd(id, x, y, playerName, other) if not id then Bonus[playerName].lastId = Bonus[playerName].lastId + 1 id = Bonus[playerName].lastId end Bonus[playerName].list[id] = { id = id, x = x, y = y, other = other, } tfm.exec.addBonus(0, x, y, id, 0, false, playerName) return id end -- Заполнить область начальными бонусами function bonusFill(x0, y0, x1, y1, name, other) for x = x0 or 0, x1 or 800, 25 do for y = y0 or 0, y1 or 400, 25 do bonusAdd(nil, x, y, name, other) end end end --[[--------------------------------------]]-- function loadMapBonus(player, xml) if not xml then return end for pos,ground in next, grounds do local l = ground.L local h = ground.H local x = ground.X local y = ground.Y if ground.o and table.exists(colors, ground.o) then local w = {math.floor(x-l/2)+5, math.floor(x+l/2)} local h = {math.floor(y-h/2)+5, math.floor(y+h/2)} bonusFill(w[1], h[1], w[2], h[2], player, { attachedColor = ground.o, }) end end end function eventNewGame() xml = tfm.get.room.xmlMapInfo.xml cheese = {} grounds = {} for k in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do Bonus[k].lastId = 0 Bonus[k].list = {} end tm = os.time() tm = tm + 3500 tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) tfm.exec.setGameTime(300000) tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) ui.setMapName("• Портал • \n" ) width = tonumber(xml:match('')) or 800 height = tonumber(xml:match('')) or 400 for ground in xml:gmatch("") do local pos = #grounds + 1 grounds[pos] = {} grounds[pos].X = tonumber(ground:match('X="([^"]+)"')) grounds[pos].Y = tonumber(ground:match('Y="([^"]+)"')) grounds[pos].L = tonumber(ground:match('L="([^"]+)"')) grounds[pos].H = tonumber(ground:match('H="([^"]+)"')) grounds[pos].T = tonumber(ground:match('T="([^"]+)"')) grounds[pos].o = ground:match('o="([^"]+)"') end if xml:gmatch('dodue=""') then for cheeseInfo in xml:gmatch("") do local pos = #cheese + 1 cheese[pos] = {} cheese[pos].X = tonumber(cheeseInfo:match('X="([^"]+)"')) cheese[pos].Y = tonumber(cheeseInfo:match('Y="([^"]+)"')) end end for k in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do loadMapBonus(k, xml) end end function eventMouse(name, x2, y2) if os.time() >= tm + 1000 then local brk, stopSpawn local player = tfm.get.room.playerList[name] local deltaX = x2 - player.x local deltaY = y2 - player.y local normalizer = math.sqrt(math.pow(deltaX, 2) + math.pow(deltaY, 2)) deltaX = deltaX / normalizer deltaY = deltaY / normalizer for t = 0, math.huge, math.min(math.abs(5 / deltaX), math.abs(5 / deltaY)) do x = player.x + deltaX * t y = player.y + deltaY * t if x < 0 or x > width or y < 0 or y > height then break end for i,ground in next, grounds do if ground.T == 9 or ground.o then -- if player.x >= ground.X-ground.L/2 and player.x <= ground.X+ground.L/2 and player.y+5 >= ground.Y and player.y+5 <= ground.Y+ground.H then if player.x > ground.X - ground.L/2 and player.x < ground.X + ground.L/2 and player.y > ground.Y - ground.H/2 and player.y < ground.Y + ground.H/2 then stopSpawn = true break end end if x > ground.X - ground.L/2 and x < ground.X + ground.L/2 and y > ground.Y - ground.H/2 and y < ground.Y + ground.H/2 and ground.T ~= (8 or 9) then brk = true end end if stopSpawn then return end if brk then brk = false if not prtl then tfm.exec.addShamanObject(26, player.x + deltaX * (t - 15), player.y + deltaY * (t - 15)) q = tfm.exec.addImage("17948dad4f5.png", "&1", 776, 376,nil,0.5,0.5) tfm.exec.removeImage(m) prtl = true else tfm.exec.addShamanObject(27, player.x + deltaX * (t - 15), player.y + deltaY * (t - 15)) m = tfm.exec.addImage("17948daec67.png", "&1", 775, 375,nil,0.5,0.5) tfm.exec.removeImage(q) prtl = false end break end if not prtl then tfm.exec.displayParticle(9, x , y, 0, 0, 0, 0) else tfm.exec.displayParticle(2, x , y, 0, 0, 0, 0) end end tm = os.time() end end eventPlayerWon = eventPlayerDied m = tfm.exec.addImage("17948daec67.png", "&1", 775, 375,nil,0.5,0.5) function eventNewPlayer(name) if not Bonus[name] then Bonus[name] = { lastId = 0, list = {}, } end ui.setMapName("• Портал • \n" ) system.bindKeyboard(name,46,true,true) -- This allows all players to press the Delete button. system.bindKeyboard(name,81,true,true) -- This allows all players to press the Q button. ui.addTextArea(10," Панель админа", adm, 350,380,100,20,0,0x212F36,0.8,true) ui.addTextArea(11," ?",name, 5,25,18,18,0,0x333333,0.5,true) system.bindKeyboard(adm,78,true,true) -- This allows only admin to press the N button. system.bindMouse(name, true) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(name) loadMapBonus(name, xml) end table.foreach(tfm.get.room.playerList, eventNewPlayer) eventTextAreaCallback = function(id, playerName, name, b) if name == "help" then ui.addTextArea(100,"",playerName, 190,60,440,280,0,0x212F36,0.8,true) ui.addTextArea(101,"Правила:",playerName, 200,60,800,400,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(102,"• Красная - Объекты могут пройти через неё, а мыши нет.",playerName, 200,110,600,300,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(103,"• Синяя - Мыши могут пройти через неё, а объекты нет.",playerName, 200,130,600,300,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(104,"• Зелёная - Можно пройти только без сыра.",playerName, 200,150,600,300,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(105,"• Жёлтая - Можно пройти только с сыром.",playerName, 200,170,600,300,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(106,"• Оранжевая - Можно пройти, если мышка взяла весь сыр на карте.",playerName, 200,190,600,300,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(107,"• Голубая - Если пройти через неё, то стираются порталы.",playerName, 200,210,600,300,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(108,"• Коричневая - Нельзя пройти, если у тебя 2 сыра или больше.",playerName, 200,230,600,300,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(110,"Delete",playerName, 210,270,42,20,0,0xE1E1E1,0.5,true) ui.addTextArea(111," Q",playerName, 210,310,20,20,0,0xE1E1E1,0.5,true) ui.addTextArea(116," N",playerName, 400,310,20,20,0,0xE1E1E1,0.5,true) ui.addTextArea(117,"- Убить всех (Только админу)",playerName, 430,310,200,20,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(112,"- Убить себя",playerName, 260,270,200,20,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(113,"- Стереть порталы",playerName, 240,310,200,20,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(109," X", playerName, 610,60,20,20,0,0,0,true) elseif name == "close1" then for i=100,117 do ui.removeTextArea(1*i,playerName) end elseif name == "click" then ui.addTextArea(-1," ", playerName, 185,70,470,340,0,0xFFFFFF,0.8,true) ui.addTextArea(-2,"Список карт:", playerName, 200,80,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-3,"Первая локация:", playerName, 200,100,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-4,"Вторая локация:", playerName, 200,160,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-5,"Третья локация:", playerName, 200,220,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-6,"Локация ''Космос'':", playerName, 200,280,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-799,"Локация ''Кислотные пещеры''", playerName, 200,340,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-7,"Сложность:", playerName, 550,100,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-8,"Очень легкий", playerName, 520,120,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-9,"Легкий", playerName, 520,140,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-10,"Нормальный", playerName, 520,160,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-11,"Сложный", playerName, 520,180,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-12,"Очень Сложный", playerName, 520,200,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-13,"", playerName, 630,120,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-14,"", playerName, 630,140,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-15,"", playerName, 630,160,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-16,"", playerName, 630,180,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-17,"", playerName, 630,200,400,200,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-18," 0", playerName, 620,230,18,18,0,0xDADADA,0.5,true) ui.addTextArea(-899," 1", playerName, 420,80,18,18,0,0xDADADA,0.5,true) ui.addTextArea(-999,"Обучение:", playerName, 350,80,nil,nil,0,0,0,true) local id = -26 local mapId = 1 local stages = { [1] = 10, [2] = 7, [3] = 7, [4] = 6, [5] = 10 } local colors = { [1] = {'00FFD5', '00FFD5', '38FF00', '38FF00', '38FF00', 'FFA100', 'FFA100', 'FFA100', 'FF0500', 'FF0500'}, [2] = {'38FF00', 'FFA100', 'FFA100', 'FF0500', 'FFA100', 'FFA100', 'FF0500'}, [3] = {'FFA100', 'FFA100', 'FF0500', 'FF0500', 'FFA100', 'FF0500', 'F700FF'}, [4] = {'FFA100', 'FFA100', 'FF0500', 'FF0500', 'FF0500', 'F700FF'}, [5] = {'FF0500', 'FF0500', 'FF0500', 'A2A2A2', 'A2A2A2', 'A2A2A2', 'A2A2A2', 'A2A2A2', 'F700FF', 'F700FF'} } for y = 1, 5 do local bgColor = y == 5 and 0x165B00 or 0x434343 and y == 4 and 0x9100FF or 0x434343 for i = 1, stages[y] do ui.addTextArea(id,"


", playerName, 170+i*30,70+y*60,18,18,0,bgColor,0.5,true) id = id - 1 mapId = mapId + 1 end end ui.addTextArea(-19," Х", playerName, 630,80,18,18,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-20," Убить всеx", playerName, 520,230,80,18,0,0xFF0000,0.5,true) ui.addTextArea(-21," Краш", playerName, 520,260,45,18,0,0xFF0000,0.5,true) elseif name == "killall" then for playerName in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do tfm.exec.killPlayer(playerName) end elseif name == "crash" then ui.removeTextArea(-21, playerName) ui.addTextArea(-22,"Подтвердить?", playerName, 540,260,100,18,0,0,0,true) ui.addTextArea(-23," Да", playerName, 520,290,28,18,0,0xFF0000,0.5,true) ui.addTextArea(-24," Нет", playerName, 610,290,33,18,0,0x20FF00,0.5,true) elseif name == "yes" then tfm.exec.newGame("@7768958") ui.addTextArea(-21," Краш", playerName, 520,280,45,18,0,0xFF0000,0.5,true) for i=22,24 do ui.removeTextArea(-1*i,playerName) end elseif name == "no" then ui.addTextArea(-21," Краш", playerName, 520,260,45,18,0,0xFF0000,0.5,true) for i=22,24 do ui.removeTextArea(-1*i,playerName) end elseif name:match("map%d+") then local key = tonumber(name:match("%d+")) tfm.exec.newGame(levels[key]) elseif name == "mapStartMenu" then tfm.exec.newGame("@7719367") elseif name == "mapLVL0" then tfm.exec.newGame("@7866451") elseif name == "close" then for i=1,65 do ui.removeTextArea(-1*i,playerName) end ui.removeTextArea(-799,playerName) ui.removeTextArea(-899,playerName) ui.removeTextArea(-999,playerName) end ui.setMapName("• Портал • \n" ) end function eventKeyboard(playerName,keyCode,down,xPlayerPosition,yPlayerPosition) if (keyCode == 46) then tfm.exec.killPlayer(playerName) elseif (keyCode == 78) then for playerName in pairs(tfm.get.room.playerList) do tfm.exec.killPlayer(playerName) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) end elseif (keyCode == 81) then tfm.exec.addShamanObject(26,0,0) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(27,0,0) end end function eventChatCommand(name, message) if name == adm then if message:sub(0,4) == "kill" then if message:sub(6) ~= "" then tfm.exec.killPlayer(message:sub(6)) end end if message:sub(0,4) == "stop" then system.exit() end end end system.disableChatCommandDisplay("kill",true) system.disableChatCommandDisplay("stop",true)